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What is the silver price today?

Today's Silver price is Silver Spot Price Silver Spot Price Spot Change Silver Price per Ounce $23.03 0.03 Silver Price per Gram $0.74 0.00 Silver Price per Kilo $740.43 0.96

Is the silver spot price market open or closed?

The silver spot price market is open almost 24 hours per trading day, with a 60-minute closed period each day between 5:00 EST and 6 PM EST. The silver price per ounce, therefore, changes almost always, and you must have an up to date silver price chart to compare the current silver price to historic silver prices.

What is the difference between spot price and ask price of silver?

The spot price of Silver is always higher than the bid price (what dealers pay for Silver per ounce) and always lower than the ask price (what you will pay a dealer for Silver per ounce). The difference between the spot price and the ask price is known as the premium of Silver per ounce.

How much is a ounce of silver?

Silver Price Per 1 Kilogram 839.46 USD 1 Troy Ounce ≈ 1,097 Ounce Silver Price Per 1 Ounce 23.80 USD

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